A Bright Light

Yes. I skipped a week of writing. Essays, report cards, and the grade 8 graduation trip have taken over my life.  So I am making a concerted effort to get something written today. My adventures of the weekend, albeit limited due to school work, have given me something to write about.

Yesterday afternoon we bought a Boxee. I will explain for those of you who may not know anything about it. A Boxee is a digital box that attaches to your television, and it finds content (movies, series) that is available on the internet and shows it through your television. You can also browse any website on the internet, and it has 182 apps….so far. There are many apps that I still need to explore, and some of them I have never even heard of. Some of the most popular ones are the Khan Academy app, You Tube app, and of course, the TED talk app.

And this leads me to what I want to highlight today. One of my favourite TED talks that I was reminded about was that of Benjamin Zander, a classical musician. He plays the piano onstage, but it is the vibrancy and excitement in his explanations that help to bring the music alive. His passion and enthusiasm for what he does is a bright light at this particular time of the year, when the end of year workload makes it harder to get through each day.   

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