Sketch Away

I have not spent much time exploring Geometer’s Sketchpad, and I have put it on this summer’s “to do” list. For those of you who are already using it, here are a few websites to help you along:

The Geometer’s Sketchpad Website  This should be your starting point. Offered by the makers of the program, Dynamic Geometry, this site includes information about the program and its use around the world, various classroom ideas, projects, a Sketch Gallery provided by users, links, PD information, and a downloadable how-to guide.

Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board – Provides a variety of Geometer’s Sketchpad resources and lessons for grades 2 through 8 – a great list.  It also includes tutorials and information about the program. (Update – link to longer active.)

Targeted Implementation and Planning Supports – This website provides a series of lessons for Ontario Curriculum topics in grades 7 through 10. Many of the websites are pdf’s and word documents, but there are several Geometer Sketchpad files included in the mix.

As always, I would love to hear of other sites that would be a good addition to my list.

Have a great week.

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