A Great Site: Jefferson County Schools

I came across this math website and thought it worthy of sharing. It is the Middle School Math site from Jefferson County Schools in Tennessee.  It does have a lot of math resources, but it also includes resources for other curriculum areas, as well.

There are a lot of links here, and I wasn’t quite sure where to explore first.  They have links to sites for algebra, geometry, statistics and also general math sites that cover a range of topics.  Then there are also various PowerPoint presentations on the main page that go through math topics and are ready to use with your class.

If you scroll down and click on More Math Presentations, you are taken to another page of PowerPoint resources for K-5 and 6-12 in math, language arts, science, social studies, the arts, health, and library.  Some of the presentations are very basic, but others have been developed into Jeopardy and other games. While on that page, look over to the right sidebar for the Quick Links. There you will find other goodies, such as the “Daily Dose of Math”, Game Board links, Science Fair resources, Tech Tutorials, a link to their Dynamic Curriculum site (which has even more resources), to name just a few.

I would recommend spending some time to explore this site. I have found many things that I can incorporate into my lessons, and hopefully you will, too.

Update: Unfortunately the links no longer work and the site is now password protected.

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