
Sustainable Thinking

I was looking for math resources one day, and I came across a neat organization called Facing the Future. It is a non-profit organization whose goal is to educate students on global issues and how to make positive changes in the world. They have a series of resources that cover topics such as poverty, the environment, global health, and population.

When looking through their site there are a few key areas to explore. The curriculum link takes you to their Global Issues and Sustainability curriculum. Most of them are for purchase, but there are free samples from many of their books. I used a sample lesson from “Real World Math: Engaging Students Through Global Issues”. It incorporated sustainable design into a surface area and volume question. It was a great assignment, but I learned that my students need more practice with these type of problems. I have ordered the book for the school next year, as I think it is a great addition to the middle school math resources.

You can also explore the Global Sustainability Issues link. Within that section, the Global Issues Tours give some background information on some of the global issues facing our world. The Newspapers in Education link shares some global issues newspaper articles and related lesson plans. The Action Project Databases give students some ideas of how they can get involved to make a change in the world.

I am always looking for good resources for educating students on global issues. If you have any, send them my way.

Enjoy the sun.

Update: The website has been updated and most of the links mentioned are no longer working, but the website is still worth exploring.

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